Turning the device on/off:

There is no overdose to excessive use of Tinnitus Pen. It has no side effects because our cells have the ability to reflect any surplus soft radiation. Principally there are 3 different application methods:
Area Method
While practicing area method, there is no contact between the skin and the probe of the laser. Ideally, the distance in between should be half an inch. Most importantly, if there is an open wound this method should be applied.
Contact Method
The skin contacts the tip of the laser. If there is no open wound on the application area this method can be applied easily. This method is more effective and efficient. Please do not forget to decontaminate the tip of the laser if the patient has any contagious disease.
Laser Acupuncture Method
Laser beam leads to a bio-simulation just like the acupuncture needles. Compared to acupuncture needles, Tinnitus Pen Soft Laser can be considered as totally painless and risk-free of contagious disease diffusion way of acupuncture needles.
Before Applying
Application area should be washed and cleaned by an alcohol-free soap. This process would help removing bacterial formations that may be formed on the skin and thus help the laser beam to difuse deeper into layers of the skin. Skin should be dried carefully before application.
Please always use the laser-repellent goggles provided in the accessories bag. Avoid the direct contact of laser beams with your eyes.
After Applying
Using any humidifying cream after applying the laser is recommended.
- Do not drop your device
- Avoid water contact with your device
- Surely use Alkali batteries.
- Be sure that the batteries are full before the application.
- Avoid contact with your eyes.
- Keep away from children.
- Be sure that your device is turned-off when out of use.
Duration While Applying
It should be applied to the side of the ringing ear for 20 minutes. If both ears are ringing, it should be applied 20 minutes for each side.
A. Apply it to the mastoid bone placed behind your ear or,
B. just before the ear entrance through the ear canal.
Apply it for 10 minutes to A and B points.
Usage Period
It should be applied once a day for 90 days.
For long term chronic tinnitus it can be applied twice a day. Once in the morning and once in the evening.
People having insomnia (sleeping problems) should not perform treatment on evenings.
Application should be done on the same time every day.
- Make sure your ears are clean before application.
- Lie on a comfortable place.
- Make sure that there is no noise around. If you don’t have the chance to move to a quite place, continue applying the laser trying not to be disturbed by the noise around.
- Try to be calmer and avoid stress.
- Sleep enough and long at nights.
- Avoid noise in your daily life.
- You can get help to sleep.(Sleeping pills, therapy or relaxing music)